Monday, September 21, 2015

full house reading challenge

i love reading so i went looking for a reading challenge and i found the full house reading challenge hosted by i hope you well enjoy it as much as i will please let me now if you sign up

meet the chef

hi ok im sorry i did'nt tell you what i got from my freinds becouse my compeuter wassint working and mom went to england. so now i will tell you what i got. i got a wooppy coushin,sizzlers, a messenger bag, a picture frame, a star wars lego set, ever lasting gobstopers, a lego minifiguer, and 15 dollers.

ok now that were done with that i well tell you a relly yummy recipe its called.......

                                                         strawberrie soup

2 cups vanilla yogurt
1/2 cup orange juice
8 cups fresh strawberries halved
1/2 cup sugar
additional vanilla yogurt and fresh ment leaves

in a blender combine the yogurt, orange juice, strawberries, and sugar. in baches, cover and process untell blended. refrigerate for at least 2 hours. garnish with additional yogart and mint leaves 

makes 6 servings

and if you like my recipes and storys try my moms blog Hope in evrey Season, and my sister Lynzies blog Thoghts from a young wrighter. 
please right your favorite recipe in the comints