Tuesday, August 4, 2015

About Me

Hi I'm Cainan samuel Coller and I am 10. On August 25 I will be 11.
As you can see in my last three post's I enjoy Lego's, writing, drawing, reading, Minecraft, bandalooms, and baking.
I have eight siblings, Lynzie, Michael, Elisha, me, Selah, Avalon, Liam, Kynthia, Brenna. My Mom's name is Sarah, My Dad's name is Jamie.
I lived in Oregon until I was five, then I lived in Washington for two years, then I moved back to Oregon until I was nine, and now we live in Arkansas. My grandma Christy, and grandma Brenda are the best grandmas' ever. They both live in Oregon. It was hard leaving them but we might be visiting them next spring. Sorry I now this post is short, but at least you now a lot about me.

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